Rebooting the online and offline presence

I'm sitting on the railing of my porch, watching yet another sunset here in Port Barton with a fresh cup of instant coffee and a smoke. I've spent most of the day looking through my todo list to see what else I could code up for my new website but strangely enough there was only one thing left that couldn't wait till later. Start writing.
I'm not very good with words and since English isn't my first language it's even more difficult to express myself. Add to the equation that I'm also an introvert that most of the time don't feel that speaking is all that important, then perhaps you'll have an idea of how this is going to be. But I do have this feeling in my gut that I really should share my knowledge and experience to others than...myself. I've had this feeling for a long time now and since it won't go away I told myself that I'd better do something about it.
Where am I?
Currently, I'm in the Philippines. I don't have much time left here, but it's definitely one of my favorite countries so far. Unlike many other travelers I've met, I haven't been to that many countries, but my goal isn't to collect them, but to experience them. And I am a firm believer in that in order to truly experience a place, you need to live there, not just visit it. I've seen the term 'slow traveler' here and there and it's quite a fitting label if I have to put myself in a category.
How did I get here?
I started out in Sweden, where I lived until my mid 30's. Then I spent five-ish years in Copenhagen, Denmark. Here I heard about a job opportunity that I couldn't turn down, a Django developer position for an NGO in Galapagos! Mind you, I really had no idea that I actually wanted to travel before leaving Denmark. The only thing I knew was that I had this constant feeling of being stuck but couldn't explain it. Moving to Galapagos in Ecuador set everything in motion.
After two years in Puerto Ayora it was time to move forward. I did some investigating and decided to explore South East Asia, which I'm happy for, even though it has never been on any list. I must say I'm getting hooked on this part of the world and I look forward to see more!
Who am I?
I'm originally from Sweden where I spent most of my life. I started playing with computers when I turned 13 and bought my first Commodore 64. The interest of computers has lessened with age and now I only want them to work when I need them to. I used to play computer games a lot, but finally came to the conclusion that I was wasting my life on this. When I was living in Denmark I started learning Django and Python after realizing that my attempts on learning ASP.NET would never work (yes, it was that boring).
I've had my own web development company for...(looking at my LinkedIn profile to check)...ten years now even though I've been employed few of those years, mostly to meet other people and get interesting tasks to solve.
But now I'm again a freelancer with just a few clients and am trying not to work too much. This is one of the reasons I'm attracted to other parts of the world than Europe or the U.S. It's cheap. Which means I don't have to work that much to earn a living. And if I don't have to work too much, I can spend my time on things that I enjoy, like building small side projects, photography, beaches, exploring etc etc. Basically, what I discovered was that the civilized world and I are not compatible, which I perhaps should have discovered years ago, but it's never too late to quit, right? :)
What to expect from this blog
You are going to find a different few topics here. Stories about traveling, web development, tips and tricks, guides for places I've been to, reflections and more. Oh, and pictures! You can already find some of my photos on my Instagram account, so do pop over there and start following me.
Basically, what I'm trying to do here is to give back to the community, whether it is like-minded ones on the internet or the physical places I'm visiting.
So with that, I leave you to read something else or just enjoy life my friend. Thank you!